Sunday 18 August 2013

Awesome Anime Con and Comic Con Costume Ideas

We’ve all been to those anime convention or comic conventions where there are always a handful of people walking around in some cheesy, homemade costume.  Nothing screams “loser” quite as loudly as having a bad comic con costume; you may as well just not have dressed up at all.  So, if you’re looking for the best comic con costume idea, we’ve got the perfect one for you: moving inkblot masks. 

Get Real Rorschach Masks and Impress the Convention 

Definitely in most people’s Top 20 Greatest Comic Book
Characters of All Time list, Rorschach is one bad vigilante with some killer ‘tude.  Now, you can dress just like him at the next comic con or anime con with a real Rorschach mask that utilizes amazing (yet simple) technology to bring your costume to life. 

Made of completely stretchable fabric that is a spandex blend, the real Rorschach mask is coated in a water-based ink that fades in and out as you breathe.  When you exhale, the warm air from your mouth makes the inkblot on the mask transparent.  When you inhale again, the cool air you take in returns the inkblot to its original position, giving it the effect that the mask is moving.  To everyone else, it will look like a moving inkblot Rorschach mask; only you will know the real trick behind it!  And just like any good comic book character, the secret will be yours to keep—or to reveal to your most trusted confidants. 

Why Rorschach Masks are So Great—Pricing, Ease of Use and Originality 

But it doesn’t stop there.  Because of the simplicity of Rorschach’s wardrobe, all you need is a trench coat and maybe a fedora to complete your costume.  While many anime con and comic con costumes can run you hundreds, the simplicity of this costume and how amazing it looks is what really seals the deal. 

You can just imagine the look (you’ll have to since they’re masked!) on other Rorschach’s at the comic con when they realize their inkblot masks don’t move: not many people know about this REAL Rorschach mask!  Others will look silly next to you as you walk in with an official Watchmen mask and they’re stuck with the imitation they bought from the children’s costume shop down the street!

Finally, these Rorschach masks don’t wear out!  Because of the quality of the material and type of water-based ink used (which is specially designed for fabric), your moving inkblot mask will never completely fade away.  You can even enhance the effect with a damp sponge.  Plus, moving your breathing around in different inhaling and exhaling directions will cause different parts of the inkblot to fade and reappear, creating an even more stunning visual effect. 

Get Your Real Rorschach Masks Today

So, if you’re ready to blow away the competition and have all of the other people at the anime con and comic con take pictures with you, click here <> right now and order your Rorschach mask today!